Each one of us is the main character of our own story. A biography could be written about you like it has been written about so many others. Your character has a supporting cast, good times and challenging times, and a thread of intelligence that shows how the beginning of the story ties in to the rest of the story.

Think of Harry Potter, Game of Thrones, or any other book that you like. The authors of these adventures guide their characters through the ebbs and flows of their journey. All that is left for them to do is to allow their story to unfold. To trust. To turn the page to see what happens next.

This is not unlike the story of your own life. It will unfold moving forward just like it has unfolded for years and years in the past. Despite the ups and downs you are ok, you are reading this post, and the ground has not vanished from beneath your feet.

Rather than stressing about the future, holding on to expectations of what it should look like, and being a control freak… try relaxing and ALLOWING your life to happen. You can’t force a flower to unfold its petals, and you can’t force something to happen in your life that is not ready to happen. Furthermore, by resisting WHAT IS you make it more difficult for the current to flow, for new windows to be recognized, and for magic to happen. Instead of resisting this moment, ALLOW this moment to be ok… and watch what happens!