The ability of the moon to affect the ocean’s tide is an indication of the power held by this luminary of the sky. Thus is should not be a surprise that the moon can also have an effect on us humans since we are made up of 70+ % water. In ancient times the moon was assigned the archetype that represents the mother, and it was given the qualities relating to emotions, nurturing, compassion, and a sense of security.

A new moon is dark and represents a potential perception of lack of emotional support. If you are sensitive to the lunar cycle, you may feel more edgy or less loved when this happens. A full moon, on the other hand, represents a fullness of emotion like a cup overflowing. It can cause emotions to be exaggerated. If you speak to school teachers, prison guards, or hospital workers they will tell you that they have more incidents on full moon days/nights than any other day of the month.

In general, new moons are good for reflection, organization, and meditation. Full moons are good for new beginnings and finding a constructive way to utilize the extra energy.

Modern lifestyle has caused us to be more separated from nature and less in touch with natural rhythms. It is worth exploring whether the moon cycles have an observable effect on you. Mark your calendar for the next 3 months to identify new moon and full moon days and notice how you feel and behave on those days. If there is a significant impact on your mood, this knowledge could help you organize your life around the lunar cycle, e.g. not scheduling important meetings on new moons and not indulging with your diet on full moons so that you honor your biorhythms.