The importance of water is in no small part related to the body’s 70+ % makeup of water. Studies by Japanese scientist Dr. Masaru Emoto revealed that crystals formed in frozen water take on different forms based on specific, concentrated thoughts directed towards them.

Water exposed to loving words shows brilliant, complex, colorful snowflake patterns.

Water exposed to negative thoughts shows incomplete, asymmetrical patterns with dull colors.

Since the body is mostly made up of water, imagine the impact that your positive or negative thoughts have on your body.

Try this experiment. Place two equal glasses of water in front of you (without ice). Put two hands on one glass and think of a highly loving thought in your heart. Now allow that love in your heart to go out your chest into your shoulders and arms and into your hands. Feel the love in your hands pouring into the glass of water for 2 minutes.

Now drink a sip of the water that you infused with love. Drink a sip of the second glass that wasn’t. What difference do you notice in taste or texture?