Happy New Year! 2020 promises to be a year of growth, challenges, and victories. It’s good to remember a simple rule as you start making (or avoiding!) small and big decisions: Never, never, never make a decision from a place of FEAR.

When making a decision, allowing fear and doubt to influence it will result in a low vibration, compromise, and regret. Saying things like “I’m afraid to start (or end) this relationship because I may not find someone else” OR “I’m afraid to accept (or terminate) this job because I’m afraid of…” OR “I’m afraid of doing this thing (or not doing it) because…” is ALWAYS going to lead to the wrong decision. Fear stands for False Evidence Appearing Real and giving in to it will give you a small and unfulfilled life.

Instead, when facing a decision, ask “What is the right thing to do from a place of strength and integrity? What would the best version of me choose to do in this situation?”

It is ok to have fear and doubt sometime. Focusing on that, however, magnifies the uncertainty, the anxiety, the suffering. Acknowledge the fear, and have the courage to do the right thing regardless. This principle will allow you to enjoy an upward spiral in the quality of life. The alternative is leading what Henry David Thoreau called ‘a life of quiet desperation’.